
Lobby Day

Please attend and learn firsthand what AAUW Washington will be watching in the legislative session. This also provides the opportunity to interact with members of other branches in the state.

Tech Trek

Women continue to major and choose careers in STEM fields at an alarmingly low rate. The week long residential Tech Trek camps provide opportunities for girls entering 8th grade to learn about STEM subjects in a hands-on college environment. This is a key age for continuing enthusiasm for STEM subjects.

In 2015, the decision was made for the Olympia Branch to join twenty other AAUW Washington branches to support Tech Trek.  The dramatic increase in girls’ educational achievements in scientific and mathematical subjects (the S and the M in STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has not been matched by similar increases in the representation of women working as engineers and computing professionals.  In 2013, women made up a smaller portion of computer professionals than 25 years ago and about the same percentage as in 1960.  In engineering, women are even less well represented, between 12 and 15 percent of working engineers in 2013.  Women continue to major and choose careers in STEM fields at an alarmingly low rate.



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